Myron Mixon is definitely different.
Logo design and celebrity brand development for Myron Mixon, the three time BBQ World Champion. Myron Mixon is the featured BBQ Pitmaster on the TLC television network. His personality and television presents has made him a desired celebrity spokesperson. We are developing initial brand positioning, brand platform, logo design and website design and development for Myron Mixon.Developing a logo design that projects the personality of Myron Mixon. He is a true Southern character but as smart, knowledgable and talented in the realm of BBQ companions and lifestyle as anyone in the world. Myron Mixon is unique and naturally steps into the 'white space" in the BBQ category. Therefore, we are focused on developing the character, personality and emotional element of his brand.
After logo design and website design discussion, Myron Mixon at his New York City publicist office showing off his championship ring.
Logo design and website design meeting with Myron Mixon at Keen Steakhouse in New York City.Keen Steakhouse.
After logo design and website design meeting Myron Mixon and Tracy Holdeman pose for photo.
New York City publicist office kitchen back-splash and utensil holder.Close up of kitchen back-splash made of old pots and stuff.
Logo design is my normal activity when I'm in New York City and this time was no exception. On this business trip to NYC I met with Myron Mixon, a different kind of client, the three time world BBQ champion, to finalize the details of his logo design and website design. But I also got to have some fun too. Just walking through the NYC streets is an adventure and taxi rides are always entertaining but one of my favorite experiences was MoMA, the Museum of Modern Art in NYC. 99% of all tourist places disappoint but MoMA was amazing. My jaw hung open most of my time in the museum. World famous art, after world famous art absolutely blew me away. See the photos….
Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night.
It was actually sloppy, not even finished to the edges. Made me wider if that could be used to give a logo design or website design a more spontaneous feel.
Pablo Picasso's Guitar is attached with straight pins.
This all reminded me that 'Different is Good", really good.
I was asked to set in at Parsons School of Visual Art and Design in NYC.
The school had an energetic vibe. The class discussions revolved around the importance of difference with logo design, website design and brand development. The student brought a naive viewpoint and interjected some interesting thoughts and they could understand the conversation well. The conversation about logo design, website design and development revolved around a set of ideas... All clients have a unique fingerprint, a unique story. Finding what is different with each clients', logo design, website design and brand is the key. Different is good. Different is what gets images, and ideas noticed. Have you ever heard of the same thing, the ordinary, being noteworthy? Have you ever heard someone say, "The logo design was so memorable because it blended into the crowd?" You never will either. Different is what defines one idea from another, one logo from another, one website from another. Different is what makes anything memorable. Different alone will not effect a real change for any business. The key to marketing is finding the white space, defining what a business does best and finding its own unique place in the marketplace. Then defining it in a relevant and engaging way, as in logo design, website design and branding. The young minds full of innocence and excitement and expensive fashions was invigorating and fun to see. I was even impressed with the uniqueness and artistry of some of the students work. Even the simple assignment of a self portrait using a grid seemed to truly inspire some of the students.
Thank You to, School of Visual Arts | Eugene Lang College in New York City
Self portrait illustration made of typography.
Self portrait illustration made of typography close up.
Self portrait signature made of unique typography.
Self portrait illustration with surprising color.
Self portrait illustration using dots.Self portrait illustration using dots close up.
Self portrait illustration using dots.Self portrait illustration using dots close up.
Wichita logo design is the website of Tracy Holdeman, one of the top logo designers in the U.S. The Wichita logo designs are some of wichita's most recognized logo designs and some of the companies have grown from start-ups to multimillion dollar businesses. Tracy believes that for logo designs different is good. Different and relevant is even better. These Wichita brands have shared a vision and success with Tracy and Insight Design Studio.

Wichita logo design #1 favorite.
Wichita logo design by Tracy Holdeman

Wichita logo design by Tracy Holdeman

Wichita logo design by Tracy Holdeman

Wichita logo design by Tracy Holdeman

Wichita logo design by Tracy Holdeman
Website design and development can be constructed in virtually any look or format but, if you want great search results "different" can be bad. Normally, "different" is good for any kind of design including logo design and website design. 'Different" is what gets your logo design or website design noticed over the compatition. "Different" is what helps your brand connect with consumers in a unique and lasting way. But, search engines like website designs, website architecture and website structures to follow a specific outline. If your website design steps outside of the perscribed search engine ideals your website will suffer in low organic search results. The ideal website design should appear unique in design and relevant in content but also stay within the guidelines search engines prefer. Also, the content of the best website design would include discriptive keyword terms. For example, for a blog that wanted to attract customers in need of website design it should include the term "website design" but even better would be to narrow the search terms. For example the term "website design wichita" would narrow the search from a global one to a local one resulting in more visitors to your website. So "different" is good if it stays within the ideal website design paramitors.
Website Design for Larkspur Restaurant
'Different" website design with great SEO.
This website design is unique and relevant and also is number 5 for search results "Wichita Restaurant".
Website Design Larkspur Bistro Wichita, KS.
Website Design Wichita Area
The ICM website design is almost 100 pages.
This website design had even greater limitations to accomidate a simplified CMS, (Content Management System) for muliple users.
Website Design ICM Wichita Area.
Website Design for LaminateWorks, Website Design Kansas City.
Website design that looks great and functions great.
The LaminateWorks website design uses white space to give a simple design an elevated appearance of quality.
LaminateWorks began in Wichita, KS but has since moved to Kansas City and expanded into Dallas TX and Houston TX.
Website Design Kansas City, LaminateWorks
Website Design for Wichita Company.
Website design that doesn't look like it's a content management site.
This is a fun visual website that is easy to add content to.
Website design for Wichita Company.
Website Design for OpenRoad Brands.
Website design that's getting 500 hits a day and it just launched!
The OpenRoad Brands website design is designed for consumer interaction.
1,000,000 of the same thing. Who wants that? The same old thing. A brand is special when it is unique. A unique brand that is differentiated will be noticed and will be more memorable. Consumers use a logo and brand identity to distinguish products and services. If your brand does not communicate a difference, the consumer will not see you at all or will see little reason other than price to make a purchase. Many marketers look at competitors and try to mimic the success a competitor has. When a brand is not differentiated, it will not own a unique position in the consumer’s mind. It is difficult for a copy cat brand to earn the same respect from the consumer. You can't copy brand identities because all brands are different. It is not just copying a competitor that leads to lack of differentiation. Not clearly understanding the benefits that make your brand a better choice also leads to problems. Clear differentiation is a primary reason that consumers choose a brand. Be DIFFERENT. Different is good.