The Vornado logo and brand packaging can be seen across the U.S. including cities like Wichita, Kansas City, Dallas, Denver and major retailors like Target.
Logo design Wichita
Initial logo design
This is Logo Design Wichita the website of Tracy Holdeman. Tracy and his team specialize in strategic logo design and tag-line development. Our logo designs position companies, businesses and organizations based on their unique value proposition, or simply stated what makes them different. He designs to differentiate strategically and visual so your logo gets noticed, remembered and becomes your greatest marketing asset. Different is good. Different and relevant is great. Different, relevant, and perfectly exicuted is ideal for consumer engagement. His prices are reasonable and he really wants to help you improve your business so call him and his team at 316 262 0085 or e-mail with a question or conversation.
The Vornado logo and brand packaging can be seen across the U.S. including cities like Wichita, Kansas City, Dallas, Denver and major retailors like Target.